Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Citrus Bioflavonoid Powder

Product Description


Ingredients:Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Citrus Bioflavonoid Powder

Active ingredients: Mainly including flavonoids (such as neohesperidin, Synephrine, hesperidin, and naringin), alkaloids, and volatile oils (such as sinomenine and N-methyltyramine).etc.

Useful Qualities:Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Citrus Bioflavonoid Powder


1. Disease inhibition: The total flavonoids of Fructus Aurantii have a much stronger disease inhibition effect than general flavonoids.

2. Reduce red blood cell aggregation in the human body: Citrus aurantium flavonoids have the effect of reducing red blood cell aggregation in the human body and lowering the sedimentation rate of blood cells.

3. Reduce the sedimentation rate of blood cells: Citrus aurantium flavonoids have the effect of reducing red blood cell aggregation and lowering the sedimentation rate of blood cells in the human body.

4. Antitumor: Citrus aurantium flavonoids have the property of dissolving cancer cells and have an effect on the blood circulation of patients with coronary heart disease.

5. Heart strengthening: Citrus aurantium flavonoids can be used as a heart strengthening agent.

6. Antiviral and antibacterial: Citrus aurantium flavonoids have the ability to resist viruses and bacteria.

7. Effects on the cardiovascular system: Fructus Aurantii decoction can enhance cardiac contractility and increase amplitude. The decoction of Fructus Aurantii has a significant pressure boosting effect. The pressor effect is achieved by constricting peripheral blood vessels, increasing total peripheral resistance, and causing a significant increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

8. Effects on the digestive system: The volatile oil and decoction of Fructus Aurantii have a significant promoting effect on gastrointestinal motility in mice. The decoction of sour orange and Fructus Aurantii has an inhibitory effect on the intestinal tract of mice and rabbits in vitro.

9. Effects on the uterus: The decoction of Fructus Aurantii has a significant excitatory effect on the uterus of both non pregnant and pregnant rabbits in vitro and in vivo, and can increase the rhythm of uterine contractions.

10. Anti inflammatory, immune enhancing, and anti allergic effects: Extracts from Fructus Aurantii also have anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, and anti allergic effects.