Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Synephrine Powder

Product Description


Ingredients:Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Synephrine Powder

Active ingredients: Mainly including flavonoids (such as neohesperidin,Synephrine, hesperidin, and naringin), alkaloids, and volatile oils (such as sinomenine and N-methyltyramine).etc.

Useful Qualities:Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Synephrine Powder

1. Increase the level of octopamine in the body: Simuline can indirectly act on adrenaline receptors by increasing the level of octopamine in the body, thereby producing fat burning and thermogenic effects.

2. Treatment of various diseases: Simuline is clinically used to treat diseases such as bronchial asthma, hypotension, collapse, and shock. It can also be used to assist in the treatment of benign memory disorders, significantly improving cognitive function, behavior, and mood disorders in dementia patients. It also has an improvement effect on memory impairment caused by dementia patients and brain organic diseases.

3. Enhance digestive system activity: Simuline, as a nerve sedative, can stimulate gastric function, improve digestive system activity, help alleviate nausea, and eliminate stomach agitation such as bloating and bloating.

4. Increase metabolic rate: Simulin can increase metabolic rate in a special type of adipose tissue called brown adipose tissue, which helps to reduce weight.

5. Mild stimulants: Simuline's enhanced energy effect can stimulate the central nervous system, which may include improving blood circulation through the heart and brain tissues, raising blood pressure, and improving mental activity. These functions make Simuline easy to use as a mild stimulant.

6. Sterilization function: Simulin is a non-toxic organic sterilization product that exhibits inhibitory effects on bacterial growth during in vitro testing, while also suppressing the infectivity of certain viruses. Therefore, this extract is widely used as a disinfectant solvent component, food or cosmetic preservative, and in industry as a fungicide, antibacterial agent, antiparasitic agent, and antifungal agent.

7. Gastrointestinal discomfort: According to traditional usage methods, it can stimulate gastric function by relaxing and reducing bloating, thereby enhancing digestive system activity. This may also help alleviate nausea and eliminate stomach agitation such as bloating and bloating.

8. Weight loss: Simulin can effectively prevent excess energy (heat accumulation), regulate qi, warm the stomach, promote appetite, and accelerate metabolism. In theory, it can accelerate fat metabolism without causing adverse side effects on cardiovascular health like patients who use ephedra. Although there is still controversy over the function of sinomenine in helping reduce body fat, it has now become a substitute for Ephedra. Simulin is also a mild and fragrant expectorant, a nerve sedative, and a laxative for treating constipation. The most likely explanation for Simulin's weight loss function is the alkaloid's amphetamine like effect, although this effect is likely slightly inferior to ephedra (ephedrine) and not as active as ephedra. Users can expect variable effects including burning excess calories, reducing appetite, and increasing satiety, all of which may lead to weight loss.