Kigelia Pinnata Fruit Extract Powder

Product Description


Ingredients:Kigelia Pinnata Fruit Extract Powder

Active ingredients:Flavonoids, phytochemicals (with estrogenic effects), vitamin C, vitamin A, etc.

Useful Qualities:Kigelia Pinnata Fruit Extract Powder


1. Antioxidant: Kigelia Pinnata Fruit extract is rich in flavonoids, which can provide antioxidant effects.

2. Improve chest condition: The extract of Kigelia Pinnata Fruit contains phytochemicals with estrogenic effects, which can improve the epidermal condition, improve chest curves, alleviate chest sagging, and increase skin elasticity.

3. Firming the skin: Kigelia Pinnata Fruit extract has a good effect on firming the skin.

4. Improve scalp microcirculation: The extract of Kigelia Pinnata Fruit can also improve scalp microcirculation, accelerate cell metabolism, promote dermal regeneration, and effectively reduce seborrhea.

5. Anti inflammation and anti redness: The function of Kigelia Pinnata Fruit extract is to reduce inflammation and anti redness.